10 Tips For a Happy Stomach

You might not realize how important a happy stomach is until you’ve experienced the opposite.

The good news is that most of the elements for having a happy stomach are in our control. They’re easy and will become habitual once they’re put into practice.

You’ll notice that none of these tips tell you what to eat because you know best what feels good. Instead, we focus on logical and universal ideas that can be adapted in many different ways.

Happy stomach

1. remember what you ate when you were growing up.

Our stomachs and palates are initially created when we’re in our mother’s womb. They evolve and expand through our childhood and into our teens. Once we’re in our 20’s and 30’s it’s harder to change our palates.

Anyone can start eating healthier but our core taste buds have already been developed. And whether that was Italian food, European food, bland foods, or fried foods, that’s kind of what our stomachs will always gravitate towards.

It may even have a psychological component to it. Foods that you’re used to or foods that remind you of home can easily bring you comfort. And they can also give you a happy stomach.

2. simplify your food choices

A fast way to irritate your stomach is to constantly have meals with too many components. Your stomach needs to work hard to break down all the different flavors you’re eating. This can be overwhelming at best and painful at worst.

Even though there’s an abundance of food available these days, it’s important to “edit” your meals in a way that makes sense.

This idea applies to all the things you add to your meals. Extra sauces, side dishes, appetizers, and dips can quickly become too much. The fewer foods you eat, the happier your stomach will be. A meal with a protein, carb, and vegetables is usually enough variety.

3. Let your digestive system take a break

We’re not talking about intermittent fasting here. Intermittent fasting definitely gives your digestive system a break but it’s very restrictive and not for everyone.

Instead, we suggest always keeping in mind when you last ate. For example, if you had a big meal late at night you probably shouldn’t eat breakfast very early in the morning. Your digestive system can use a break.

Similarly, just because it’s dinner time doesn’t mean you’re ready for dinner. Maybe you had a really big meal at four PM. It would be better for you to have a light snack to end the day, instead of another heavy meal.

4. Get to know YOUR stomach

As much as we’re all the same, we’re also all very different.

If you want a happy stomach, it’ll be helpful to know what works for you and what doesn’t. It’ll take time, and you’ll probably mess up at first, but it’s worth it.

There are going to be people who feel great eating something that others would feel terrible eating.

We suggest using a diary to write down what you ate for 30 days. Also, make sure to write down how much of each particular food you ate and how you felt afterward.

At the end of the 30 days, you’ll have a lot of clarity as to what gives you a “happy stomach.” With half the battle done, you can now incorporate what you’ve learned into your life.

5. if you diet, diet right

We aren’t fans of dieting in general. We prefer leading a generally healthy lifestyle that doesn’t have an expiration date. That being said, if you’re going on a diet be smart about it. Simply choose slightly smaller portions or slightly healthier choices.

Things like dramatically cutting calories or starting to eat a bunch of new foods can easily upset your stomach. If you tried eating just vegetables and fiber all day and you’re bloated and gassy, it’s because you’re not dieting right.

Believe it or not, too many vegetables and fiber-rich foods can irritate your stomach. Don’t be afraid of eating a normal amount of carbs, dairy, and meat foods. They’re good for the majority of the population.

You’re not gaining weight from the sandwich you had for lunch, you’re gaining weight from the overeating you’re doing (usually towards the end of the day.)

6. Eat intentionally

Are you one of those people that skips breakfast or lunch? Or do you nibble random foods all day but not actually eat proper meals? If so, you’re familiar with the hunger that comes at the end of the day.

Once you’ve pushed off eating proper meals for a certain amount of time it’ll feel as though nothing can fill you up. That leads to overeating, binge eating, and worst of all, late night eating.

Never mind your stomach not being happy, no part of you will be happy.

Eat proper meals. Look at the clock and take note if it’s breakfast, lunch, or dinner time. Sit down with a nourishing meal and you won’t crave all sorts of garbage later.

Keep in mind an intentional snack goes a long way too.

7. don’t follow extremes

If you’ve taken something to the extreme you know the frustration of having to pull back. If you’ve tried a juice cleanse, detox, or carb-free diet, your stomach knows the desperate feeling of hunger.

The problem is that never works. Maybe it’s because we want what we can’t have. But it’s probably because we need food. We don’t need a crazy amount of food or a huge variety, we just need enough. And if you don’t eat enough, your stomach will be unhappy and nag you.

Eventually, you’ll eat your way through your cookies, ice cream, chips, and chocolate stash.

8. stick to a similar eating schedule every day

This is a great habit to incorporate into your life. It’s also very valuable if a crisis ever strikes or you have a chaotic day.

If you get your body in a rhythm and know what it needs and when it needs it, you’ll have an easier time making sure you’re always nourished and hydrated.

When you have a day of travel or just a busy day in general, you can always look at the clock and know what you’re up to.

9. Don’t eat before bed

Most people would probably agree that eating a (big) meal before bed is not the best idea.

There should of course be an exception for those once-in-a-while festive occasions like a holiday or social event. And there’s also a difference between eating an apple or eating a steak dinner 30 minutes before going to sleep. The apple won’t bother you, the steak dinner might.

In addition to laying down right after eating not being a good idea, your stomach now has to digest a meal while also being tired from the day and wanting to sleep.

Also, how many times have you gone to bed after eating a big meal and had a happy stomach in the morning?

10. Don’t listen to or copy anyone

Rorie Weisberg from Full n Free has a great reel about all the different health opinions out there, especially on social media. If you listened to every health opinion available, you’d avoid everything, including water.

It’s important to understand that every person putting out an opinion on something had a personal experience that brought them there. So if somebody has terrible stomach pain from eating cheese they’ll probably stop eating cheese. Then, they might write an article or post a video about how bad cheese is for you.

But what if you have no problems with cheese? The protein, calcium, and nutrients from cheese might agree with you very well.

You’ll find that opinions come with diets, foods, workout programs, as well as lots of other lifestyle choices. You can either spend your life on a hamster wheel of copying others or you can figure out what works for you, adjust as necessary, and stick to it.

That’s all for our tips for a happy stomach! We hope they were helpful and bring you clarity and comfort.

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